The mnemonic method (Herigon’s mnemonic system) has long been known to help you memorize sets of numbers quickly and keep them in your memory for a long time.
The principle is realized step by step as follows:
1) numbers are converted according to a certain table into consonants,
2) vowels are added so that familiar words are formed,
3) the image associated with the word is memorized,
4) If you have memorized the image and understand how the word with which the word is associated is formed, then you can convert the image back into a number.
And this is equivalent to the fact that you have memorized the original number, although physically in your head stored not a number, but the image of the word.
Our project has many unique features of its own. Including the difference of the table digit-letter, slightly different from the one that inventors of mnemotechnics came up with before.
That is why we not only give it as an example, but also recommend it for use.
The hints in the game are realized exactly on the basis of this digit-letter table.

DigitLetterExplanation of the reason for this association
0C, SThe letter C can be extracted from the shape of the letter O. The letter S has sounds similar to the sounds in the letter C.
1T, DThe uppercase Letter T has one vertical line like the number 1. The letter D has sounds similar to the sounds in the letter T.
2NThe lowercase letter n has two vertical lines.
3MThe lowercase letter m has three vertical lines.
4H, RThe lowercase letter h can be made from the numeral 4 by turning it upside down and reflecting it horizontally. The lowercase letter r can be extracted from the shape of the lowercase letter h.
5LIt is possible to place 5 fingers of the hand so that they form the shape of the capital letter L.
6G, JThe capital letter G can be derived from the number 6. The letter J has sounds similar to the sounds in the letter G.
7KIf we take two digits 7, rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise, one of the digits is reflected vertically and then these digits are joined, we get the letter K.
The lowercase letter f can be extracted from the digit 8. The letter V has sounds similar to the sounds in the letter F. The letter W can be formed by combining two letters V
9B, PIf the number 9 is rotated 180 degrees, the letter P can be extracted from it. The letter B has sounds similar to the sounds in the letter P.

How to use this system.
For example, if we need to memorize the number 7523. Let’s break this four-digit number into 2 two-digit numbers: 75 and 23. First, let’s turn the number 75 into an image. We look in the table and find that the number 7 corresponds to the letter K, and the number 5 – the letter L. Now we remember the words that have the consonants K and L in this order. We choose the word koala.
Now it is the turn of the number 23. We look in the table and find that number 2 corresponds to the letter N and number 3 corresponds to the letter M. Now we remember the words in which the consonants N and M are present in the given order. We choose the word nomad. It remains to think of a story in which the main characters are a koala and a nomad. For example, “The koala attacked the nomad.”

Agree, this is easier to memorize than the number 7523.

Now we need to learn how to convert numbers from 01 to 20 into words