Tair Pair is a game in which the player needs to find paired items that are located in the game area. The items are hidden behind square cards. The goal of the game is to find all pairs of objects by making the least possible number of mistakes.
A mistake-free game is a game in which you do not make unnecessary useless card reveals. If you have opened a card that you have opened before, you must already collect a pair in this move, otherwise you will earn a penalty point or even two.
What are the possible mistakes:
1) if there is an opportunity to collect a pair, but you don’t do it
2) if you re-open a card you opened earlier, but you don’t collect a pair in this turn.
3) You can even get two errors per turn if you reveal two cards that you have previously revealed, but you don’t collect a pair.

Let’s look at different situations. Let’s say we start the game and open the first two cards and we get a medicine vial and a shipping container.

If next move we open again the first card we opened and then the fifth, in which the backpack falls out, it will be a mistake, because we already had the information that behind the first card there is a vial for medicine. And useful in this move is only that we learned that behind the fifth card is a backpack.

If on the second turn we went exactly as on the first turn and opened the first two cards, in which we got the same medicine vial and shipping container, it was already two mistakes. Because you would have made a completely useless move.

If at some point we start the turn by opening the 8th card in which we get the medicine vial, we will earn a mistake for the turn if we don’t end the turn by opening the number one card, because we already have information about the location of a pair of these identical items.

Therefore, if we end the turn by opening a third card, it will be considered a mistake.

Attention: also erroneous will be considered moves which occur at known information about finding of pairs, but we instead of opening them and remove from the playing area will continue to open other cards.