I hope you have already tried our game. It probably seems to you similar to common games in which you have to find pairs of identical objects. But before you played with the help of visual memory, and our game is aimed at using associative thinking. In this issue, we’ll reveal a technique to utilize this natural ability of ours when playing the game. We’ll plug in a unique feature with hints to easily collect pairs of items without making a single mistake.

First, we’ll set up the settings we recommend for beginners. The first thing we will connect the hint function, that’s what this video is about. The second thing we will choose 16 cards, it will be enough to understand the work of the hint mechanism. And also set a delay of 5 seconds. The object found behind the second card will be shown for five seconds and it will be easier for us to remember it.

Now you can start the game.

Since we have connected the hints function, you may notice that two monitors have appeared on the right side. I hope you have already familiarized yourself with our theoretical material concerning the connection between numbers and images. Each card in our set has a number on the back. And each number is associated with an image. If we move the mouse cursor over a certain card, the image associated with the number of this card will be displayed on the monitor. If you have familiarized yourself with our theoretical material, you will understand why these images are associated with a given number.

It is also possible to view all 100 images at once. To do this, press the X key or the widget as shown in the video. A scoreboard with all images will appear. Attention, this can be done only if the hints in the main menu are enabled!

Our task: make associations that will link the hidden objects behind the cards with the images that are associated with the numbers of these cards.

Let’s go!

The cat is associated with the burger. Come up with an association. Have the cat eat a burger.

The cane is associated with a trash can. Make an association. Have the cane thrown in the trash can.

The camel is associated with the wheel. Make an association. Let the camel roll on wheels instead of walking.

On the fourth move, we get a trash can that was already there. Immediately the association of the cane being thrown into the trash can comes to mind. We open the scoreboard and see what number the cane is. It’s number two. And we’re picking up the first pair.

The sailor is connected to the safe. We make an association. Let’s say the sailor found the safe underwater.

The cage is associated with gift wrapping. Make an association. Suppose the cage was gift-wrapped.

The cake is associated with a skull. Let’s make an association. Let’s say the man blew out the candles on the cake so long that he became a skeleton.

On the eighth move we get a gift wrapping that was already there. Immediately we remember the association that the cage was packed in gift wrapping. We open the scoreboard and see what number the cage is. It’s number six. And we’re assembling the second pair.

The cup is associated with a table lamp. We make an association. Let the cup be illuminated by the table lamp.

On the tenth move, we get a safe, which we’ve already had. The association of a sailor finding a safe underwater comes to mind. We open the scoreboard and see what number the sailor is. It’s number five. And we’re picking up the third pair.

On the eleventh and twelfth turn, we get the burger and the table lamp that we already had, and we collect two more pairs. I hope you haven’t forgotten the association of the cat eating the burger and the cup being lit by the table lamp.

Tom is associated with a pomegranate. Let’s come up with an association. Have the pomegranate stain the volume while reading it.

Since there are twice as many unique items as there are cards, it is necessary to construct 2 times fewer associations than the number of cards. Therefore, further it will not be necessary to create associations, but just carefully finish the game according to the old scheme.

In the game the best result is the one with fewer mistakes. And in case of equality of errors, the one that took less time.