Now that you are familiar with the table of numbers and letters (if not, you can read about it in the first article in this section of the site), you know how to represent a two-digit number using consonant letters. Next, add vowels to make a familiar word. You can choose any word you like. Here are words recommended by the project that are also used as the hint in the game.

A vet, short for veterinarian, is a professional trained to provide medical care and treatment to animals. Veterinarians diagnose and treat illnesses, injuries, and health conditions in a variety of animals, including pets, livestock, and wildlife. They may also advise on animal nutrition, preventive care, and perform surgeries when necessary.

A fan, often referred to as a Japanese fan, is a traditional hand-held fan originating from Japan. It typically consists of paper or silk mounted on thin bamboo or wooden spokes. These fans are commonly used for personal cooling and can also be decorative, featuring intricate designs and artwork. They are part of traditional Japanese culture and are sometimes used in traditional dances and ceremonies.

A fume is a gas, vapor, or smoke that is produced by a chemical or physical process, often characterized by its strong or unpleasant odor. Fumes can be the result of combustion, chemical reactions, or the evaporation of certain substances.

A fire is a rapid chemical reaction involving the combination of oxygen with a material that can burn, producing heat, light, and various combustion byproducts. It is typically characterized by flames and is a process of combustion that releases energy in the form of heat and light.

A foal is a young horse that is less than a year old. Foals are typically playful and energetic, and they undergo rapid growth and development in their early months of life. As they mature, they are referred to as colts (male) or fillies (female), depending on their gender.

A fig is a fruit that comes from the ficus tree, belonging to the mulberry family. Figs are sweet, pear-shaped or round, and have a soft, chewy flesh with many small seeds. They can be consumed fresh or dried and are known for their sweet taste and nutritional value. Figs are often used in cooking, baking, or enjoyed as a snack.

A Viking was a seafaring Norse warrior or trader from the late eighth to early 11th century, originating from Scandinavia (modern-day Denmark, Norway, and Sweden). Vikings are known for their exploration, raids, and trading expeditions across Europe, Asia, and even North America. They played a significant role in shaping European history during the Viking Age.

A fife is a small, high-pitched musical instrument belonging to the woodwind family. It consists of a cylindrical tube with finger holes and a mouthpiece. Typically played in military and marching bands, the fife produces a clear and piercing sound. It is often used in conjunction with drums, especially in historical and traditional music settings.

A viper is a venomous snake belonging to the family Viperidae. Vipers are characterized by their hollow, retractable fangs that they use to inject venom into their prey. They are found in various parts of the world and are known for their distinct triangular-shaped heads. Some well-known examples of vipers include rattlesnakes and adders.

A bus is a large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers, typically along a fixed route with scheduled stops. Buses are a common form of public transportation and can vary in size and purpose, including city buses for urban transport, school buses for students, and long-distance buses for intercity travel.

A bat is a flying mammal characterized by its elongated fingers and a thin membrane of skin (patagium) stretched between its fingers, forming wings. Bats are the only mammals capable of sustained flight. They are nocturnal and use echolocation for navigation and locating prey. Bats play important roles in ecosystems as pollinators, insect controllers, and seed dispersers.

A pen is a writing instrument that typically consists of a cylindrical body with an ink reservoir and a ballpoint or nib for applying ink to paper. Pens are commonly used for various forms of writing and drawing.

A puma is a large feline mammal, also known as a cougar or mountain lion. It is native to the Americas and is characterized by its tan or reddish-brown fur, a slender body, and a long tail. Pumas are carnivorous predators and are known for their agility and ability to adapt to various habitats, from forests to deserts.

A bear is a large mammal belonging to the family Ursidae. Bears are characterized by their robust bodies, shaggy fur, and non-retractable claws. They are found in various habitats worldwide, including forests, mountains, and Arctic tundra. Bears are omnivores, with diets ranging from plants to fish and mammals. Notable bear species include the grizzly bear, polar bear, and panda bear.

A bell is a hollow, usually metal, instrument that produces a ringing sound when struck or shaken. Bells are often used for various purposes, including signaling the time, religious ceremonies, or as musical instruments. They come in different sizes and shapes, and their sound is produced by vibrations within the bell.

A bug is a small, six-legged arthropod belonging to the order Hemiptera. True bugs have specialized mouthparts for piercing and sucking, and they are known for their diverse forms and behaviors.

A bike, short for bicycle, is a human-powered vehicle with two wheels that are aligned in-line. It typically has pedals connected to a chain, allowing the rider to propel the bike forward. Bicycles are a popular and eco-friendly mode of transportation, exercise, and recreation.

A pavian, more commonly known as a baboon, is a type of Old World monkey found in Africa and parts of Asia. Baboons are known for their distinctive appearance, with long muzzles, dog-like faces, and a robust build. They live in social groups called troops and are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of foods including fruits, plants, insects, and small animals.

A baby is a term commonly used to refer to a very young human, typically from birth to around two years old. It is the early stage of human development characterized by dependency on caregivers, rapid growth, and various milestones such as learning to crawl, walk, and speak.

A tacos is a traditional Mexican dish consisting of a folded or rolled tortilla filled with various ingredients, typically including seasoned meat, beans, lettuce, and cheese. Tacos can be enjoyed with a variety of toppings and sauces, making them a versatile and flavorful food item.