Now that you are familiar with the table of numbers and letters (if not, you can read about it in the first article in this section of the site), you know how to represent a two-digit number using consonant letters. Next, add vowels to make a familiar word. You can choose any word you like. Here are words recommended by the project that are also used as the hint in the game.

A net is a meshed or woven structure made of threads, ropes, or other materials. It is commonly used for catching, holding, or containing objects or animals, such as fishing nets, sports nets, or safety nets. Nets have an open design, allowing air or liquid to pass through while capturing or securing specific items.

A nun is a woman who has taken religious vows, often living in a convent or monastery, and dedicating her life to religious service. Nuns typically follow a specific religious order, engaging in prayer, contemplation, and various forms of charitable work as part of their religious commitment.

A nomad is a person or group of people who live a mobile or wandering lifestyle, moving from one place to another, often in search of resources such as food, water, or suitable grazing land for animals. Nomadic cultures adapt to changing environments and do not have a permanent or fixed settlement.

A neuro is a complex network of nerves and cells that transmit signals between different parts of the body. It is divided into the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (nerves outside the brain and spinal cord). The nervous system controls and coordinates various functions, including sensory perception, movement, and internal organ regulation, allowing organisms to respond to their environment and maintain homeostasis.

A nail is a slender, pointed metal pin used as a fastener. Nails are typically driven into surfaces, such as wood or walls, to join or secure objects together. They come in various sizes and types, and their common use is in construction, carpentry, and general household repairs.

A nugget is a small, bite-sized portion of chicken that is typically breaded and fried. Chicken nuggets are a popular fast food or snack item.

“Nuke” is a colloquial term for a nuclear weapon, which is an explosive device that releases energy through nuclear reactions. These reactions involve the splitting (fission) or combining (fusion) of atomic nuclei. Nuclear weapons have immense destructive power and are capable of causing widespread devastation. The term “nuke” is commonly used as a shorthand for referring to nuclear weapons or the action of using them.

A nevus, commonly known as a mole, is a growth on the skin that occurs when cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of spreading throughout the skin. Moles are typically brown or black and can vary in size and shape. While most moles are harmless, some may need medical attention if they show signs of changes, such as in size, color, or shape, which could be indicative of skin cancer. Regular monitoring of moles is recommended for early detection of any abnormalities.

A nipper is  a small device, typically refers to a pair of small, sharp pincers or pliers used for gripping, cutting, or pulling. Nippers are often employed in various tasks, such as cutting wires or handling small objects in precision work.

A mace is a blunt weapon, often with a spiked or flanged metal head, mounted on a handle. It has been historically used as a weapon in combat, particularly during medieval times. In contemporary contexts, ceremonial or symbolic maces are also used by officials or institutions as a symbol of authority or power.

A mite is a tiny arachnid belonging to the order Acari. These small creatures are related to ticks and spiders. Many mites are microscopic, and they can be found in diverse habitats, including soil, water, and on plants or animals. While some mites are harmless, others can cause allergies or transmit diseases to humans and animals.

A moon is a natural satellite that orbits a planet. In the context of Earth, the Moon is its only natural satellite, and it plays a significant role in gravitational interactions, tides, and providing light in the night sky. Moons can vary in size, composition, and characteristics, and they are found around many planets in our solar system.

A mummy is a deceased body that has been preserved through intentional processes, such as embalming, or by natural means like desiccation in arid environments. Mummies have cultural and historical significance and are often associated with ancient civilizations, particularly in Egypt, where elaborate mummification practices were carried out for religious and afterlife beliefs.

“Amir” is an Arabic term that means “commander” or “leader.” It is often used as a title of nobility or honor in various contexts, especially in Arabic-speaking and Islamic cultures. An amir may be a military commander, a leader of a community, or hold a position of authority. The usage and significance of the term can vary based on cultural and historical contexts.

A mule is a hybrid domestic animal resulting from the mating of a male donkey (jack) and a female horse (mare). Mules combine characteristics of both parent species and are known for their strength, hardiness, and sure-footedness. They are commonly used as pack animals or for work in agriculture and other activities. Mules are sterile, meaning they cannot reproduce, as their parents have different chromosome numbers.

A mage is a term often used in fantasy literature and games to refer to a magic user or spellcaster. Mages typically possess knowledge of mystical arts and are skilled in casting spells or manipulating magical forces. The term is commonly associated with wizards, sorcerers, or other fictional characters with magical abilities.

A mako is a type of fast and powerful shark, known for its streamlined body, pointed snout, and distinctive large, triangular dorsal fin. The shortfin mako and the longfin mako are the two main species. They are found in oceans worldwide and are known for their speed and agility in the water.

The Mafia refers to a secretive and organized criminal network, often involved in illegal activities such as extortion, racketeering, and organized crime. The term is commonly associated with the Italian-American Mafia, but similar criminal organizations exist worldwide. Mafia groups are known for their hierarchical structure, code of silence (omertà), and involvement in various illicit enterprises.

A mop is a cleaning tool consisting of a bundle of absorbent material, such as cotton or sponge, attached to a long handle. Mops are used for wetting, cleaning, and drying floors by absorbing liquid and removing dirt.

A rose is a flowering plant known for its fragrant and ornamental blossoms. It belongs to the genus Rosa and comes in various colors, shapes, and sizes. Roses are widely cultivated for their beauty and are often used in gardens, floral arrangements, and as symbols of love and romance.