Numbers in our system are represented as two-digit numbers, so numbers from 1 to 9 start with zero. Now that you have familiarized yourself with the digit-letter table (if not, you can read about it in the first article of this section of the site), you know how to represent a two-digit number with consonant letters. Next, add vowels so that you get a familiar word. You are free to assign any word you like. Here are the words recommended by the project, which are also used as the hint in the game.

A cat is a small, typically furry, domesticated carnivorous mammal. They are one of the most popular pets around the world. Cats belong to the family Felidae and are known for their agility, flexibility, and sharp retractable claws.

A cane is a simple yet important tool that provides support and assistance to people, particularly those with mobility challenges. It is typically a slender, elongated stick or rod, often made of materials like wood, metal, or synthetic materials. The primary purpose of a cane is to aid in walking and maintaining balance.

A camel is a large, long-necked mammal with distinctive humps on its back. There are two main species: the Dromedary camel, which has one hump, and the Bactrian camel, which has two. Camels are well-adapted to arid environments and are often used by humans for transportation and as a source of milk, meat, and leather.

A car is a motor vehicle with four wheels that is designed for the transportation of passengers and, in many cases, cargo. It typically runs on an internal combustion engine fueled by gasoline or diesel, although electric cars are becoming more common. Cars are widely used for personal and commercial transportation.

A sailor is a person who works on a ship or boat, often as a member of the crew. Sailors play a crucial role in the operation and navigation of vessels, ensuring their safe and efficient passage across bodies of water.

A cage is a structure made of bars, wires, or other materials designed to enclose or confine something, such as animals, objects, or people, for various purposes like containment, protection, or restriction.

A cake is a sweet baked dessert typically made from a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and butter or oil. It is often leavened with baking powder or baking soda and can include various flavorings and ingredients. Cakes are commonly decorated and served for celebrations or as a treat.

A cafe is a small restaurant or establishment where people can purchase and enjoy beverages, such as coffee and tea, along with light meals, snacks, or desserts. Cafes often provide a casual and cozy atmosphere for socializing, reading, or working.

A cup is a small, usually cylindrical container with a handle, used for holding and drinking liquids, such as beverages. Cups come in various materials, including glass, ceramic, plastic, or metal, and are commonly used for serving hot or cold drinks.

A toucan is a brightly colored, tropical bird known for its large, distinctive bill. This bird is native to Central and South America and is characterized by its vibrant plumage and unique beak, which is often brightly colored and has a serrated edge. Toucans are primarily fruit-eating birds and are famous for their playful and social behavior.

A tooth is a hard, calcified structure found in the jaws of many vertebrates, including humans. Teeth are used for biting and chewing food. In humans, each tooth is composed of a crown (visible part above the gum), a root (anchored in the jawbone), and various tissues, including enamel, dentin, and pulp. Teeth are crucial for the mechanical breakdown of food during the digestive process.

A tuna is a large and fast-swimming saltwater fish belonging to the Thunnini tribe. It is known for its streamlined body, powerful tail, and distinctive coloring. Tunas are highly valued in commercial fishing for their meat, often used in various cuisines. They are found in oceans worldwide and are known for their migratory behavior. Common species include the bluefin, yellowfin, and albacore tunas.

A tome is a large, heavy, or scholarly book, typically one that contains in-depth and comprehensive information on a particular subject. The term is often used to describe a voluminous or authoritative work, especially in academic or reference contexts.

A tire is a rubber covering that surrounds a wheel’s rim to provide traction, support, and a cushion against shocks. Tires are commonly used on vehicles such as cars, bicycles, motorcycles, and trucks, and they play a crucial role in facilitating movement and ensuring safety on various road surfaces.

A tailor is a person who professionally makes, alters, and repairs clothing, typically specializing in custom-fitted garments. Tailors use sewing machines, hand sewing, and other techniques to create or modify clothing according to individual measurements and preferences.

A tug is a powerful and compact boat designed to tow or push larger vessels, helping them navigate through ports, canals, or other waterways. Tugs are essential for assisting ships in maneuvers such as docking, undocking, and navigating in confined spaces.

A token is a small, physical or digital object that represents a unit of value, ownership, or authorization within a specific system or context. Tokens can be used for various purposes, including currency, access control, identification, or authentication.

Toffee is a type of candy made by caramelizing sugar along with butter and sometimes flour. The mixture is heated to create a chewy or hard texture, and it often includes ingredients like nuts or chocolate for added flavor. Toffee is known for its sweet, buttery taste and is a popular confectionery treat.

A tub is a large, open container with a flat bottom and sides that are higher than those of a basin. Tubs are commonly used for holding water and are often found in bathrooms for bathing purposes. They come in various materials, such as porcelain, acrylic, or metal, and can be freestanding or built into the structure of a bathroom.

The nose is the facial organ on the front of the head that is responsible for the sense of smell and plays a role in breathing. It consists of nostrils for air intake, a nasal cavity for scent detection, and various structures like cartilage and bone.

Now we need to learn how to convert numbers from 21 to 40 into words